Ways to Save…
New! Melody Scoops

- Book Bundle A
- Book Bundle B
- Studio Discounts
- Vendor Discounts
Book Bundle A
Bundle Price: $90
(Original Price: $110. Savings of $20)
- Tenor Trombone
- Lip Slur Melodies (LSM)
- Trombone Craft (TCC)
- Patterns and Snippets – Tenor Tbn (PST)
- Simply Singing for Winds – Medium Bass (MB)
- Bass Trombone
- Lip Slur Melodies (LSM)
- Bass Trombone Craft (BTC)
- Patterns and Snippets – Bass Tbn (PSB)
- Simply Singing for Winds – Low Bass Clef (LB)
- Shipping
- Domestic: $14 (Domestic shipping only)
Purchase Bundle A:
Tenor Trombone (domestic shipping only)
Bass Trombone (domestic shipping only)
Book Bundle B
Bundle Price: $83
(Original Price: $100. Savings of $17)
- Tenor Trombone
- Lip Slur Melodies (LSM)
- Patterns and Snippets – Tenor Tbn (PST)
- Simply Singing for Winds – Medium Bass (MB)
- Tuning Drone Melodies (TDM)
- Bass Trombone
- Lip Slur Melodies (LSM)
- Patterns and Snippets – Bass Tbn (PSB)
- Simply Singing for Winds – Low Bass (LB)
- Tuning Drone Melodies – Bass Clef (TDM)
- Shipping
- Domestic: $14 (Domestic shipping only)
Purchase Bundle B:
Tenor Trombone (domestic shipping only)
Bass Trombone (domestic shipping only)
Studio Discounts
For orders of at least 10 books, I may be able to offer a 20% studio discount.
I can’t apply this to Lip Slurs or Clef Studies, though.
Vendor Discounts
I regularly ship to vendors using a standard discount. Orders must be at least 10 books. Please contact me for details.
I play bass trombone. I want to substitute the medium bass clef version of Simply Singing for Winds. Can I do this?
Sure. Many bass trombonists prefer using the medium bass clef version and transposing. Just send me a message with your order.
What if I want to order other books along with the bundle?
As long as they’ll fit in a USPS medium flat-rate box with this order, I’ll refund the extra shipping charges (I do it all the time).
What if I want a different bundle?
Message me and we’ll talk.