Hornbone Press

This is the new publishing home for both AuditionSolos.com and TromboneZone.org.

A new way to save money! Melody Scoops

TromboneBass Trombone

25 April 2023 – Orders for physical books to be shipped outside of North America are now being discouraged. I have encountered too many difficulties with customs, etc.

For Europe, I recommend you order a digital version (if available) or contact one of these vendors:

Blechbläsersortiment Köbl
Sommerstrasse 9 D- 81543
Munich Germany

Brass Specialisten
Torsgatan 2
11123 Stockholm, Sweden

For Asia, I recommend you order a digital version (if available) or contact one of these vendors:

Academia Music LTD.
Hongo 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, 113-0033 JAPAN

Kazenone Music Publishing LLC
6-15 Honcho, Hanno-shi, Saitama,
357-0032, Japan